sábado, 16 de diciembre de 2017

My personal view of Christmas 

Christmas for me and my family has always been very special since all my family met at my grandmother Aurora's house.

I love being with my family throughout the year but at Christmas much more, although each year is more difficult as there are people who have left but I know they are happy to see us enjoy.

The most typical of my house at Christmas is to give us special things like written letters or other types of gifts.

Also santa comes to visit us brings gifts to everyone from the smallest to the largest of the family but those who make it more delusion  are the smallest but the big ones never lose the delusion. 

We are forty in the family and that is what makes us more special since we have a lot of unity and we love each other very much.

We celebrate Christmas in style.

My family is the best that I have today and celebrate every Christmas with them and my grandmother who is the nexus of the family makes me feel very happy and very special.

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